Saturday, November 22, 2008

This is our humble presentation on DEBT COLLECTION . Your reading it will add the necessary weightage to the presentation.


Even debtcollection industry has hit hard times in US Baltimore Sun Keeping a check on debt collectors Newsday

Sat, 22 Nov 2008 22:12:52 +0000
Bulkeley The Wall Street Journal November This should be the best of times for America s debt collectors since never has a society been so in hock. But ironically much of the debt collection industry is struggling because there s little cash left to squeeze from strapped consumers. People joke with me that my business must be great said Mark Neeb president of Affiliated Group an Omaha Neb. collection agency. I would say the opposite is true. Our business flourishes when the consumer has money. Debt collectors either work on consignment for creditors keeping percent to percent of what they collect or buy portfolios of unpaid debt from creditors and then try to collect enough to make a profit. When the people behind on their bills aren t classic deadbeats but are truly tapped out debt collectors also get pinched. NCO Group Inc. of Horsham Pa. which is owned by an investment arm of J.P. Morgan Chase Maryland Science Center Baltimore Washington Medical Center Ryland Homes Popular stories Business News Wal Mart announces surprise change at the top Md. jobless rate reaches year high Jay Hancock Butcher baker unemployment line maker Come all ye frugal Pressure builds on Citigroup to sell part or all of itself More most viewed Jay Hancock Old Line lends to those it knows Md. jobless rate reaches year high Wal Mart announces surprise change at the top Jay Hancock Butcher baker unemployment line maker Pressure builds on Citigroup to sell part or all of itself More most e mailed Punishment Prosecution Suicide Barack Obama Major League Baseball More topics Most viewed Most e mailed Hot topics Maryland home sales Find out where homes are selling in your neighborhood or search for sales from across the region Also see sales sales Do s and Don ts for consumers Scam Watch archive Stephen L. Rosenstein co chairman of Greater Baltimore SCORE Chapter No. offers tips for business owners. Column archive Consumer Product Safety Commission Columnists Eileen Ambrose Mutual funds now flinging open the doors Jay Hancock Butcher baker unemployment line maker Hanah Cho Havoc in the workplace Dan Thanh Dang Sometimes you really can t win for losing amNY Chicago Tribune Daily Press Hartford Courant LA Times Newsday Orlando Sentinel Sun Sentinel The Morning Call The Virginia Gazette About About The Baltimore Sun Tribune Sun Store Get home delivery Jobs Autos Homes Apartments FSBO Boodle Coupons Open Houses Houses for Rent Privacy Policy Terms of Service Work for us Feedback Home Business


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