Tuesday, January 06, 2009

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Obama tackles economy security Buffalo News

Tue, 06 Jan 2009 19:36:00 +0000
By Peter D. Shapiro Excerpted from Taking Another Look January which is accessible at www.PDSConsulting.net The Market By December shares of Comcast our proxy for the U.S. cable industry were of their value their lowest end of year level of this decade. Meanwhile cable s average revenues per basic subscriber were up with Comcast s . X higher than in i as more subscribers bought cable s triple play of digital video broadband access and cable telephony In earlier New Year s notes ii I argued that the market was undervaluing the MSOs strong market position and growth potential. This disconnect persisted during a year that in economic terms qualifies as a full fledged Queen Elizabeth II annus horribilis . Despite the recession s parting gift the facts about cable that the market doesn t get are still valid and therefore are not repeated here. However things can change. Mobile Wireless in Cable s Future Why mobile wireless matters to cable Quadruple play adding mobile wireless to fixed TV broadband and phone has proven highly successful for operators outside the U.S. According to a recent national survey . of U.S. households are now wireless only over of adults aged live in wireless only households among households with fixed and wireless phones over receive all or almost all calls on cell phones iii . Wireless is a magnet for innovation VC investment and market buzz. It s the next new thing for multiplatform advertising and distribution of multimedia content. Competitive vulnerability The big telcos have mobile wireless and the MSOs don t. Before too much longer cable s triple play will be trumped by attractive quadruple play offers from AT T U verse AT T Mobility and Verizon FiOS Verizon Wireless. Verizon is now negotiating programming content deals that encompass both FiOS TV and mobile distribution. Growth of cable telephony will be eroded by wireless substitution. Among U.S. MSOs only Cox has announced that it will build mobile wireless network facilities in its service areas. Cox s mobile wireless initiative will set precedents for cable operators in testing features pricing and bundling options. Cox will also determine availability and cost of roaming agreements with incumbent wireless operators for calling that occurs outside of Cox s initially limited service areas. For now the other major MSOs are following a different path. Comcast Time Warner Cable and Bright House along with Intel and Google recently purchased minority shareholdings in Clearwire which is now building a G WiMax network. Using the Clearwire network these MSOs plan to offer data centric nomadic and mobile extensions of their fixed Internet access services. If they decide to add mobile voice which is vital to compete with the incumbent wireless operators the MSOs may do so as resellers of Sprint s G network capacity. The MSOs Clearwire based strategy is not a slam dunk. A WiMax network operator will have higher cost and sparser choice of equipment than operators employing the much more widely adopted LTE Long Term Evolution G wireless technology. In the U.S. three of the four largest wireless operators have stated they will deploy LTE leaving only Sprint Clearwire with WiMax. Both Alcatel Lucent and Nortel have decided to allocate their technology development resources to LTE while reducing their spending on WiMax. Fewer handsets will be available for WiMax or WiMax plus G voice than for the competitive G and G LTE systems. To compete effectively the MSOs must have flexibility to implement their own features and pricing priorities for wireless voice data and multimedia without having to rely on third party network operators that have separate agendas such as Clearwire and Sprint. On this we ve heard discouraging words from Clearwire s CEO who said that its MSO shareholders do not have the ability to direct the activities of the company nor is their approval required to undertake major business initiatives such as where or when we build our network. iv The Clearwire deal may provide a useful learning experience but is unlikely to get the MSOs where they need to be. Alternatively the MSOs could buy Sprint. It would immediately establish the MSOs as credible mobile wireless competitors to own the third largest U.S. wireless operator with M mobile wireless subscribers nationwide spectrum a nationwide G mobile wireless network plus its ownership of Clearwire a worldwide Tier Internet backbone network and a large Long Distance telecoms business. Because of well publicized problems and the overall stock market debacle of Sprint is cheap. Its market cap has shrunk to . B v down since its peak on the first trading day of . Given Sprint s B enterprise value market cap plus debt less cash each Sprint subscriber is currently valued at months of postpaid per subscriber revenue as compared to Comcast s months . For Comcast and other MSOs that might take this leap integrating and managing Sprint would be a major challenge however given the cable operators unique assets it is not beyond their abilities. It would be a game changer for the industry. From Internet TV Growth or Dumb Pipe U.S. viewers watched . billion videos online during November vi during which time they were not watching cable s TV channels VOD or advertising. While the majority of these Internet TV videos were probably transmitted over cable s high margin broadband connections most also involved no direct technical or business participation by cable operators indicating the risk that cable systems could become dumb pipes for Internet TV content. No one wants to end up as a dumb pipe. In defensive mode MSOs have complained about paying cable carriage fees to programming networks whose video content can also be consumed online for free. Some cable programming networks are responsive to such hints and are pledging to limit the content that they make available online. In proactive mode MSOs can participate in the growth of Internet TV by negotiating with online content partners to provide higher tier more reliable delivery of their premium content. Cable operators have technical means to accomplish this since they manage the QoS quality of service of their broadband access connections. This is sensitive politically because net neutrality proponents would likely accuse the MSOs of discriminating against non affiliated sites or against sites unable or unwilling to pay for higher level connections. To reduce political risk until now the MSOs have shied away from offering such deals. However on balance the cable and telco ISPs will likely prevail if they seek to exploit this opportunity. After all the ISPs network facilities were built with their own risk capital. Good better best options are common in the marketplace and generally are not perceived as discriminatory. To stay on the right side of net neutrality the ISPs would allow any online content provider to select and pay for the higher tier broadband connections on equivalent terms. The ISPs would also perpetuate the status quo by placing no restrictions on user access to any online destinations. Another proactive step is for major MSOs themselves to become providers of online infrastructure and content. For example Comcast has moved deliberately to establish a significant online presence by acquiring online assets and by upgrading its portal Comcast.net at which users can find over videos among other attractive features. The Coming of Convergence Convergent services variously combine TV Internet phone and mobile wireless components in a new product category. Such services have been discussed for a long time but for various reasons they have not yet made a significant appearance on U.S. cable systems. Now conditions are becoming more favorable for wider deployment potentially generating additional revenue streams from advanced advertising subscriptions and transactions. Examples A PCCW Hong Kong subscriber can purchase a movie theatre ticket on a TV channel that shows movie trailers download the ticket to his or her wireless device and show the ticket information as a barcode when entering the theatre. TV Caller ID provides information about an incoming phone call on a subscriber s TV set so that the subscriber can decide whether to heave himself off the sofa to pick up the phone or allow the call to go to voicemail. With Integra s MediaFriendsTM TV Chat a new application that will combine elements of TV social networking and mobile wireless like minded viewers can coordinate their watching of the same TV shows and communicate with their buddies by texting SMS messages that appear on all of their TV screens. Convergent applications will come sooner better and in greater quantity once MSOs have practices in place that welcome innovations from third party developers. On their list of New Year s resolutions for the MSOs might include a task to implement such practices along with taking another look at strategies for mobile wireless and for Internet TV. i Comcast operating cash flow margin also has increased to same as in from in . ii See Telling Cable s Story January Re valuing Cable January and Why Cable Shares are Undervalued January at www.pdsconsulting.net . iii Blumberg SJ Luke JV. Wireless substitution Early release of estimates from the National Health Interview Survey January June . National Center for Health Statistics. Available from http www.cdc.gov nchs nhis.htm. December iv CEO statement was made during conference call with analysts on December v As of market closing on December vi Nielsen data in Advertising Age Hulu November Viewers Down but Total Viewing Up by Michael Learmonth Dec . Peter D. Shapiro is founder and principal at PDS Consulting which specializes in cable and telecommunications assignments. His clients include operators financiers attorneys industry associations and government agencies. He provides opportunity assessments due diligence analyses competition monitoring and evaluation and industry expert litigation support. Disclosure He owns shares of Comcast Mediacom and Sprint. MORE CABLEFAX MAGAZINE How Things Can Change in Cable Quadruple Play Takeaways for US Cable Operators CableFAX The CableFAX The Greatest Hits of to Watch Rising Stars in Cable CableFAX The Magazine s Most Powerful Women in Cable SERVICES Read about the winners of CableFAX The Magazine s CableFAXIES Awards and find out who s working at the top of their game in cable PR and marketing. Click here. Reprint Inquires for CableFAX The Magazine please contact Lyndsay Bahn lyndsay.bahntheYGSgroup.com . For extra copies of CableFAX The Magazine please contact clientservicesaccessintel.com or . Add a Comment Name Email Comments Please enter the letters or numbers you see in the image. Your message will be reviewed before it is posted Click here. CableFAXIES Excellence in PR and Marketing Deadline Jan Enter Now Planning for DOCSIS . NOW On Demand Healthcare The Next Vertical Market On Demand CableFAX Luncheon December National Press Club DC Sign Up Today The Skinny from CableFAX Cable news in a quick read format Cable Direct industry news andupdates CT Reports developments in voice video data INSIDE CABLE .NET Who are cable s most influential minority executives Read CableFAX The Magazine s Most Inluential Minorities in Cable issue and find out. AWARDS E NEWSLETTERS EVENTS SPECIALISSUES AWARDS CableFAXIES CableFAX Best of the Web CableFAX Program Awards E NEWSLETTERS Cable CableFAX Daily HD Briefs The Skinny From CFAX CT Reports Video Voice Data Cable Direct EVENTS TRAINING CableFAX Webinars CT Webcasts SPECIAL ISSUES CT s Communications Executive CableFAX Faxies Program Awards Best of the Web Awards Diversity Powerful Women in Cable Top Operators INDUSTRY JOBS OPENINGS Vice President of Engineering Alpha Technologies Inc. Vice President of Wireless Engineering Cox Communications Director of Customer Care and Office Management JetBroadband Manager of Product Development Commercial Data Products Cox Communications Construction Supervisor Knology Inc. Cable Jobs Center Sign up for the Skinny from CableFAX and get the latest news and updates from CableFAX. Find out about upcoming awards Webinars and job posting and all the latest partner news. Stay in the know on the headlines topics and special issues you value most. Sign up today for this free service from CableFAX. CABLE .NET POLL What would you rather watch Weed or Brotherhood Which telecommunications sector is going to get hurt the most during the current economic slowdown cable satellite telcos Home Business Programming Technology Competition Minisites Webinars Calendar Jobs Resources Subscribe Contact About Us Privacy Terms Advertising Site Map CABLE Access Intelligence LLC. All Rights Reserved. C. school Sasha Obama foreground and sister Malia get encouragement from President elect Barack Obama and wife Michelle Monday as they depart for Sidwell Friends School in the D. C. area. Story on Page A . First day Malia Sasha start in D. C. school Sasha Obama foreground and sister Malia get encouragement from President elect Barack Obama and wife Michelle Monday as they depart for Sidwell Friends School in the D. C. area. Story on Page A . Associated Press First day Malia Sasha start in D. C. school Sasha Obama foreground and sister Malia get encouragement from President elect Barack Obama and wife Michelle Monday as they depart for Sidwell Friends School in the D. C. area. Story on Page A . Click to view a larger picture Updated AM PRESIDENT ELECT BARACK OBAMA What s required for the economy right now is to put more money into the pockets of ordinary Americans who are struggling to make ends meet. Obama tackles economy security Must act now to break momentum of recession By Steven R. Hurst ASSOCIATED PRESS Story tools Larger Smaller Save Print Email More Photos Share this story WASHINGTON President elect Barack Obama plunged into rare pre Inaugural crisis talks with congressional leaders Monday declaring that the national economy was bad and getting worse and embracing tax cuts now expected to reach billion. He predicted that lawmakers would approve a mammoth revitalization package within two weeks of his taking office. The economy is very sick said Obama who met privately with leaders of both parties at the Capitol. The situation is getting worse. . . . We have to act and act now to break the momentum of this recession. If the two year plan is enacted workers would see larger paychecks almost immediately because taxes withheld by the government would drop. The break would be retroactive to Jan. and couples receiving a tax cut would begin receiving an extra in twice monthly paychecks as the government tries to spark more consumer spending. Obama who takes office two weeks from today has said that there can be only one president at a time and he repeated that principle Monday when it comes to foreign affairs. But when it comes to the floundering economy he clearly feels he cannot sit by until the swearing in. The reason we are here today is because the people s business cannot wait Obama said as he arrived on Capitol Hill. I expect to be able to sign a bill shortly after taking office he said. Pressed on the timing he said By the end of January or the first of February. What s required for the economy right now is to put more money into the pockets of ordinary Americans who are struggling to make ends meet he said. Obama s proposal to stimulate the economy includes tax cuts of up to billion including for most individuals and for couples if one spouse is employed as well as more than billion for businesses an Obama transition official said. The total value of the tax cuts would be significantly higher than had been signaled earlier. New federal spending also aimed at boosting the moribund economy could push the overall package to the range of billion or so. About billion would be used to extend unemployment benefits and to subsidize health care for people who have lost their jobs. The rest would go toward job creation projects such as roads and bridges and toward long term goals such as alternative energy programs. Meeting with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi D Calif. Obama set a tone of urgency for dealing with a financial situation that he described as precarious. He said The speaker and her staff have been extraordinarily helpful in working with our team so we can shape an economic recovery plan and start putting people back to work. But he also met with Republicans in an effort to build broad support for quick action. This is not a Republican problem or a Democratic problem at this stage he said. It is an American problem and we re going to all have to chip in and do what the American people expect. During his meeting with bipartisan leaders of Congress Obama said he would make his stimulus proposal available on the Internet with a Google like search function to show each proposed project or program by congressional district according to three people who attended. After meeting with Obama House Minority Leader John A. Boehner ROhio said he was concerned about the plan s cost. This is not a package that s ever going to be paid for by the current generation Boehner said. It s being paid for by our kids and grandkids. Republican lawmakers want more details Boehner said but he replied yes when asked if he expected a stimulus plan to be enacted within six weeks. Said Pelosi It is a great honor and personal privilege to welcome you to this office. Tomorrow we will swear in a new Congress and we will hit the ground running on the initiatives . . . to ease the pain being felt by the American people. The Obama plan s tax cuts for individuals and couples would be a bit different from the rebate checks sent out last year by the Bush administration and Congress in a bid to boost the slowing economy. The relief this time would be awarded by withholding less from worker paychecks. That provision would cost about billion to billion over two years. For businesses the plan would let firms incurring losses last year take a credit against profits dating back five years instead of the two years now allowed. Another provision brought to the negotiations by the Obama team would award a one year tax credit costing billion to billion to companies that hire new workers and would provide other incentives for business investment in new equipment. We ve got an extraordinary economic challenge ahead of us Obama said and he predicted that a jobs report at the end of the week would show new declines. He had meetings with a broad array of House and Senate Democratic leaders and with a bipartisan group of key lawmakers. Obama has insisted that bold and quick action is necessary if the nation is to rebound from the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. He has said repeatedly that he wants a plan that will create million jobs. 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Web Bidz

Monday, December 22, 2008

We worked hard to come upon this respectable composition on TWO WAY RADIO BATTERIES . Don't let these efforts go to vain; use it wisely.


Letters Vets ham operators recall the URC4 radio Planet Analog The promise of plugin hybrids Less pollution more energy Seattle Post Intelligencer

Mon, 22 Dec 2008 13:50:10 +0000
EE TIMES NETWORK Online Editions EE TIMES EE TIMES ASIA EE TIMES CHINA EE TIMES FRANCE EE TIMES GERMANY EE TIMES INDIA EE TIMES JAPAN EE TIMES KOREA EE TIMES TAIWAN EE TIMES UK EE TIMES EUROPE ANALOG EUROPE INDUSTRIAL EUROPE AUTOMOTIVE DL EUROPE POWER DL EUROPE Web Sites Audio DesignLine Automotive DesignLine Career Center CommsDesign Microwave Engineering Deepchip.com Design Digital Home DesignLine DSP DesignLine EDA DesignLine Embedded.com Elektronik i Norden Green SupplyLine Industrial Control DesignLine Planet Analog Mobile Handset DesignLine Network Systems DesignLine Power Management DesignLine Programmable Logic DesignLine RF DesignLine RFID World Techonline Video Imaging DesignLine Wireless Net DesignLine ELECTRONICS GROUP SITES NEW SpecSearch eeProductCenter Electronics Supply Conferences and Events Electronics Supply Electronics Express Webinars December Letters Vets ham operators recall the URC radio EE Times December AM EST Many EE Times readers responded to David Carey s analysis of the U.S. military s RT A URC radio which was widely used during the Korean and Vietnam wars. Here s a sample Reader Wilbert Foerster remembers the URC as an electronic wonder. Paul Alexander used the URC as a ham radio. Reader Bill Pileggi recalls a hamfest. Edwin Pettis provides more URC details Dennis McFayden corrects a mistake Reader Alan Tasker fills in some more gaps. Reader Wilbert Foerster remembers the URC as an electronic wonder. Dear Mr. Carey I was heartened to read your story. The RT A URC was the state of the art of electronic wonder based on how much power it could put out for its size and the battery pack that was used with it. In those days battery converters used to get higher voltage were usually vibrators or dynamotors a motor generator type of device . At the end of my active service as a radio radar technician the motor alternator was coming in as an upgrade. My contact with this particular radio was periodic we would check the units for operation physical condition condition of the battery pack by the way the battery pack included two sets of batteries sealed in a case the same size as the RT A . The metal strap laying on the top cover in your article would clamp it to the transceiver. Each set of batteries were isolated one was for filament voltage and the other for plate voltage. I m surprised that I can remember that much. It is surprising that the electronics of that day worked so well when you think of the cellphone of today that transmits more information then any of the military airborne or ground radios. You might also be intrigued by the CRT Gibson Girl emergency transmitter it used a crank operated generator to create the power to send an SOS and it also had a hydrogen generator to fill a balloon to lift the long wire antenna to send out the emergency signal. It was said that its signal could be heard up to a thousand miles away. Maybe this was just propaganda to convince the flight crew that there would be help coming. Thank you for lifting the hood on this unit. It sure brought back some great memories from fifty years ago. Wilbert Foerster Kiel Wis. Back to top Paul Alexander used the URC as a ham radio Dear David I just saw your EE Times article on the URC distress radio. I had one of these as a kid while just starting out as a ham radio operator. I converted mine to operate on meter ham radio frequencies MHz by replacing the crystal and retuning the receiver. All the power for the radio was supplied by a single battery pack that was made for this unit. Back in the vacuum tube days it was common to find batteries that would combine all the voltages needed for a particular type of radio into a single unit. Batteries capable of supplying or volts were quite common. Even volt packs were commonly used by photographers for powering portable photoflash units. Thanks for the article it was very enjoyable Paul Alexander Senior Reliability Engineer Philips Home Healthcare Solutions Monroeville Pa. Back to top Reader Bill Pileggi recalls a hamfest. Dear David Imagine my surprise at seeing the URC in the Dec. issue of EE Times I know the radio well. The radio is quite common on the electronics ham radio surplus market. The most common use was converting the radio to cover the amateur radio frequencies between MHz. and MHz. I purchased a large carton filled with them in the very early s for at a hamfest . The receiver is easily tunable between MHz. I used one unit as a receiver at a job located in an industrial park inside an airport. I tuned it to the tower frequency. As the receiver is quite broad little selectivity transmissions on nearby frequencies were also heard. I considered this a bonus The pencil diameter tubes are indeed called sub minature or pencil tubes. The transmitter crystal is military type CR U. This is a series resonant third or fifth overtone type. I have a few spares if your unit is missing it s crystal. The receiver detector is regenerative and quite stable . This means the receiver is quite sensitive microvolt range but broad as a barn door see above comment . The yellow inductors are commonly broken. The plastic is quite fragile. Most of the units you see from the past years have broken coils. Despite the broken coil forms if the coils themselves haven t been mangled the receiver will still likely work. The radios were considered nearly disposable so they were cranked out by the thousands. Inverter power source No. They were powered from a dry cell battery pack attached to longish rubber covered cable. The pack itself was light and relatively small as the current consumed by the tubes was in the milliamp range. The filament consumption was quite a different matter. Dry cell packs have other advantages longish shelf life no toxic materials to speak off and even if they have sustained significant physical damage like a bullet hole they ll likely still work. State of the art Only if they d been manufactured during World War II. By or so the circuitry and assembly technique was quite conventional. For reference compare to the PRC or PRC portable radios which also use subminiature tubes and were first deployed during the Korean war. By the late s and early s the URC arrived a hybrid design using transistors and tubes was in service. Smaller and much lighter but still using an external dry cell battery pack. Today the URC has no practical use except to collectors of military radios and restorers. Ahhhh the smell of MFP military fungus protection in the morning it smells like victory or at least an old time hamfest . This is one of our collector mottos. Thanks for your report. Bill Pileggi KA AIS Abington Pa. Back to top Edwin Pettis provides more URC details. Dear David I enjoyed your article on this classic. I can clear up a few things about it V V V and V are tubes with earlier production units using the CK from Raytheon. V and V were V was a E and V was a common commercial battery operated radio tube the Q Madison was a private label a supplier or the manufacturer of this set . The A battery was the filament supply a single cell . volt battery filaments of these tubes were designed to run from a wide range voltage supply . The B battery was supplied by a high voltage battery common back in those days. The B voltage is listed as volts on the schematic making the nominal battery voltage approximately volts when brand new. I ve misplaced my Allied catalog or I could tell you which battery it was. The battery pack probably added almost as much weight as the radio since its case was also likely to be similar to the radio s. LS was a standard cone speaker with a high value coil impedance. I have seen them with values of ohms or higher but today I rarely see one higher than ohms and those aren t too common. Edwin G. Pettis Pettis Engineering Grand Junction Colo. Back to top Dennis McFayden corrects a mistake. Dear David I enjoyed your report on this device. You did make one big mistake. The battery supply did not have an inverter. For the high voltage plate supply B batteries were used. You might take a look at some of the so called portable radios used in WW . As a kid I remember something called a TBY. This was a man pack radio. The high voltage was derived from the equivalent of an inverter but was really a vibrator transformer and rectifier combination. All of the supply power came from a rechargeable wet cell. This was a very interesting radio since all of the tubes were acorns. My dad acquired a couple of these radios. I enjoyed investigating the construction and modification to the ham radio bands. Dennis McFayden Back to top Reader Alan Tasker fills in some more gaps. Dear David A couple of points. The mercury battery used cells in a series for the B voltage. Negative went to ground via a small value resistor bypassed so as to develop a negative bias for the grids. . V for the filaments was developed by many small cells in parallel. Unfortunately the first to fail drained all the others really quickly. Today s lithium is so much better. As a Boy Scout during that era I visited Pease Air Force Base in New Hampshire. I asked a flyboy what he thought of the rescue sets. He said Not very much. It seems that the jerk of the parachute opening put such a stress on the vest pockets holding the radio and mercury battery that they ripped right through the vest and kept right on going. Alan Tasker Back to top Related Products Vishay rolls out low profile high current IHLP inductor HB LED driver supports green lighting designs Step down controller line provides input voltage range up to V Dual digital pulsers use active clamping to enhance ultrasound imaging High end graphics board from Nvidia boasts GB frame memory eeProductCenter EE Times TechCareers Search Jobs Enter Keyword s Function Engineering Arch. Information Tech. State Post Your Resume Employers Area Most Recent Posts Agilent Technologies seeking Manufacturing Technician in Chandler AR ITT seeking Senior Staff Engineer Systems in Fort Wayne IN ITT seeking Staff Engr Systems Architect in Fort Wayne IN D. E. Shaw seeking ASIC Design in New York NY Tyco Electronics seeking S W System Engineer IV in Lowell MA More career related news resources and job postings for technology professionals Sponsor Links All materials on this site Copyright TechInsights a Division of United Business Media LLC. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions Privacy Statement Your California Privacy Rights We also heard fro the Greensboro North Caolina ARS W GSO the Tampa Florida ARC t he Reading PA ARC W BN K OX the Antelope Valley ARC in Lancaster and the Conejo Valley ARC based in Thousand Oaks California who passed the hat on our behalf at their holiday party. During this season of giving and thanks we at Newsline are thankful of our listeners who give. Give to keep these up to the minute newscasts on the air. We ve made it easy for you to do so through PayPal at our website arnewsline.org. Or you can help directly at our address which will be given at the end of this newscast. Either way you will help continue a year tradition of getting you the news of Amateur Radio first. I m Andy Jarema N TCQ and the very best of holidays to you. Thank you Andy. Now Amateur Radio Newsline report number with a release date of Friday December th to follow in . The following is a Q S T. The ARRL Antenna Defense Fund donates to help a California ham in his suit against a the city of Palmdale Switzerland gives it hams access to meters South Africa to host I A R U Region One conference go Q R P with a tree and a musical trip to a rare DXpedition spot highlight Amateur Radio Newsline report number coming your way right now. RADIO LAW ARRL ANTENNA DEFENE FUND MAKES DONATION TO WB X LAWSUIT The ARRL s Amateur Radio Legal Defense and Assistance Committee has voted to contribute toward the costs of a lawsuit against the City of Palmdale California. This after the city forces a ham to take down his antenna after issuing a permit for him to put it up. Amateur Radio Newsline s Bruce Tennant K PZW has been following this case and has the latest The suit against the city of Palmdale was filed by ARRL Volunteer Counsel Len Shaffer WA QHD on behalf of Alec Zubarau WB X. Zubaru who lives in the city located about miles north east of Los Angeles was forced by to remove an antenna tower erected under a previously issued and valid building permit. The permit revocation followed complaints of radio frequency interference by some of Alec s neighbors. Those complaints were never substantiated and in any case are a matter of federal preemption and not within the jurisdiction of the city. Over had already been contributed by clubs and their members from throughout the ARRL s Southwestern Division. This contribution from the League managed Antenna Defense Fund is meant to further help defray the expenses of preparing for the February court date. Even with attorney Len Shaffer performing the legal work free of charge just compiling the record to present in court can be costly. The Chairman of the ARRL Defense Committee is Jay Bellows K QB. Bellows noted that although the case has not yet reached the appellate level the egregious nature of Palmdale s actions including ordering removal of a previously approved antenna tower the potential impact on a large number of amateurs and the existence of substantial local financial support from the ham community were significant factors in the Committee s decision to provide support for this case. Meantime it appears as if Palmdale is trying to play a political get even game with its local ham radio community over the Zubaru matter. Shortly after issuing the WB X permit revocation order the City of Palmdale began drafting an amended antenna ordinance. One that places severe restrictions on all Amateur Radio antennas. This includes a height limit of only one inch above a buildings roof. The draft was released just before Thanksgiving and a hearing was scheduled for December th. At the request of ARRL Vice Director Marty Woll N VI who attended the Palmdale Planning Commission meeting along with about a dozen local hams and supporters ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay W KD wrote a lengthy letter to the City Attorney pointing out numerous flaws in the proposed ordinance. Imlay s letter also explained why many of its provisions are unenforceable due to federal and state preemption. Thanks to help from Keith Hoyt K GXO Eugene Humphreys KG SLC and others in the Antelope Valley Amateur Radio Club Woll has an opportunity to meet with management of the Palmdale Public Safety Department which is supportive of hams. He and Hoyt are also scheduled to meet with the Planning Department and Assistant City Attorney in early January. Unfortunately the restrictive nature of the proposed ordinance has made it a hot topic on ham radio Internet chat sites. Much of the information appears to be hearsay. Some of it is simply opinions that others consider to be fact even though many of the posters live thousands of miles away and really have no idea of what the situation is. Obviously they can have no idea of the organized effort that local hams in concert with ARRL officials are working on to bring the matter to a positive conclusion for the hams of Palmdale. As such far better way for those outside of the region to show support for the Palmdale ham radio community is to make a donation to the W BX Defense Support Fund. Checks should be made payable to Leonard J. Shaffer Esq. P.O. Box Tarzana CA . Make certain to include the words WB X Defense Fund on the memo line. For the Amateur Radio Newsline I m Bruce Tennant K PZW in Los Angeles. If we at Newsline may be permitted to express an editorial comment. With local hams along with ARRL division and national representatives devoting considerable time and resources toward resolving the issue any direct intervention by outsiders can only put Palmdale into a position where politically it cannot back away from its hard line stand. If that happens it could very easily force the Palmdale ham radio community to spend thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars in litigation fees fighting the matter in the federal courts. And that s the last thing the hams of Palmdale want to have happen. Please respect their wishes as you would want them to respect your. End of editorial. ARNewsline from information supplied by ARRL Southwestern Division RADIO LAW SAN DIEGO TOWER HEIGHT ISSUE Still in California the City of San Diego has also proposed a modification of its antenna zoning rules. Up to now ham antennas have not been subject to the height restrictions applicable to buildings and other structures. Under the modification however those restrictions will apply unless the amateur obtains a time consuming and cost prohibitive Process Three Site Development Permit. A Three Site Development Permit requires very specific site plans engineering studies public hearings and perhaps hiring a land use attorney. And after all of this an applicant may be denied the request for a height increase. Attorney Larry Serra N NC San Diego DX Club President Glenn Rattmann K NA Section Manager Steve Early AD VI and others are staying on top of this proposal which has a short comment deadline of January . The San Diego ham community has also engaged the services of a prominent local land use attorney to prepare and file a comment on their behalf. Also ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay W KD is preparing a formal League response to the City. More on both of these issues in future Amateur Radio Newsline reports. ARNewsline from information supplied by ARRL Southwestern Division RESTRUCTURING SWITZERLAND ALLOCATES METERS TO HAM RADIO ON JANUARY Some good news for hams in Switzerland. Swiss telecommunications authorities will allocate the MHz band to amateur radio on a secondary basis beginning January . Swiss and foreign CEPT class licensees will be permitted to transmit with up to watts PEP on to MHz without any antenna restrictions. The one caveat is that primary users may not be disturbed. This includes some TV stations active on the VHF band I in Northern Italy. Southgate WORLDBEAT SOUTH AFRICA TO HOST IARU REGION CONFERENCE Sun City in South Africa will host the next IARU Region Conference in . The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club website reports that the IARU Region Conference meeting in Cavtat Croatia held a ballot to choose the venue for . Of the votes cast there were to Sun City to Malaga and votes to Hatfield. According to the DARC s website. newly elected secretary Dennis Green ZS BS was visibly surprised. He s quoted as saying that the delegates would be welcome in South Africa. IARU Southgate Wishing you a most joyous holiday season from Auckland New Zealand and Los Angeles California we are the Amateur Radio Newsline heard on bulletin stations around the world including the Peace River Repeater Association system serving Punta Gorda Florida. KIDS IN THE NEWS YACHT RECRUITS ITS FIRST INTERNATIONAL MEMBERS A contest club for youngsters has its first members overseas. Rebecca Bruce has the details The Young Amateur Contest Ham Team better known by the acronym yacht has invited to young South African amateurs to join their group. year old Mitchell Mynhard ZU M and his year old sister Melinda ZU MM will be the groups first international members. The Young Amateur Contest Ham Team was founded by Ed Engleman KG CX of Memoniee Michigan. Its purpose is to generate interest in contesting among younger hams and to foster a greater appreciation of the role that younger license holders play in the overall hobby of amateur radio. For the Amateur Radio Newsline I m Rebecca Bruce in Los Angeles. More information on The Young Amateur Contest Ham Team is at the groups website. Its on line at www.wd dx.com yacht.htm YACHT HAM HAPPENINGS ARMAD RECEIVES SPECIAL FLAG The sponsor of Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day better known as ARMAD has received a flag that flew over Camp Fallujah Iraq by U.S. Marines and other United States service members. The December th delivery of the flag to ARMAD though its founder Emory McClendon KB IBW was made possible by Mary Ellen Wooten of the organization From Us To You. This is a military support group that sends packages to our Troops that are deployed. ARMAD has worked with From Us To You and the Albamarle Amateur Radio Club over the past few years on several projects. Among its involvement it has set up a live station at one of their events using amateur radio. This so that U.S. troops could hear the voices of Americans expressing support for them. You can learn more about From Us To You on the Web at www dot fromustoyou dot us. More information regarding ARMAD at www.armad.net. ARMAD RESCUE RADIO HAMS ASSIST DURING NORTHEAST ICE STORM Ham radio was called out the evening of Thursday December th into Friday December th. This as a major ice storm accompanied by freezing rains hit the New England states. Called into action were ARES RACES SKYWARN and MARS. All four groups responded to calls for assistance from served agencies and then participated in the recovery phase of the storm. Hardest hit were Western Central and Northeast Massachusetts as well as parts of New Hampshire and Maine. A full report on what hams did is on line at the ARRL website at www.arrl.org. ARRL RESCUE RADIO NEW RAC ARES OPERATIONS TRAINING MANUAL The recently introduced Radio Amateurs of Canada A R E S Operations Training Manual has met with widespread approval from the amateur radio community and is even being requested by Emcomm groups in other countries. Because of this plans are that it will be printed in a handy and portable hard copy form early in . Once published the new training resource will be offered for sale on the Radio Amateurs of Canada on line store. It will continue to be available for downloading free of charge at www.rac.ca fieldorg RACARESTrainingManual.htm. RAC RESCUE RADIO RAC ANNOUNCES EMCOMM E MAIL ALERT SYSTEM The Radio Amateurs of Canada Field Services Organization has also created an ARES Alert system for Radio Amateurs who are part of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service or other Canadian Emcomm unit. The e mail based system is being provided as a means to alert Canadian radio amateurs of emergencies or disasters or threat of same where ham radio emergency services are or may be required. It will also serve to advise stations of the need to avoid or monitor frequencies that are being used in an emergency event anywhere in the world. RAC HOLIDAY HAM RADIO OPERATION SANTA CLAUS IN FLORIDA Operation Santa Claus continues as Christmas Approaches and it was recognized this week by a Florida news service. The Tampa Bay Connection says that the Bay Care Emergency Amateur Radio group in Tampa recently used amateur radio to connect kids at St Joseph s Children s Hospital with Saint Nick so that they could put in their special gift requests. Len Calahan who is the Senior Maintenance Mechanic for the hospital and a member of the radio club. He told Tampa Bay that the north pole s a long way away and cell phones up there. So he and other club members use ham radio as substitute. Another club member is Bob McElroy who goes room to room letting kids make Christmas requests through a two way hand held. He says that whether they understand the technology or not they are hearing Santa Claus and that s making a little bit of a difference in their lives. This is the first year the St. Joseph s Children s Hospital has had ham radio connect kids to Santa. The call signs of the hams involved were not included in the Tampa Bay Connection report. eHam TampaBay Connection D STAR NEWS SUPPORT NET EXCEEDS AND GROWING There are now more than radio amateurs world wide posting to the D Star on line forum and the number seems to increase every day. Since the introduction of www.dstarforum.com earlier this year membership and site usage has been increasing drastically. D Star usage has also shown a marked increase since the introduction of the DV Dongle giving hams a relatively inexpensive and easy way to gain the benefits of D Star from home. www.dstarforum.com holds a weekly D Star net on reflector A on Saturdays at . UTC. This net chaired by G KSC and all D Star enthusiasts are invited to join in. News release WORLDBEAT CHU CANADA TO CHANGE FREQUENCY TO KHZ After seventy years of broadcasting Canada s official time shortwave station CHU will move the transmission frequency for the kHz transmitter to kHz. This to avoid interference to its operations as the result of band allocation changes approved by the International Telecommunications Union back in April . CHU is a part of Canada s National Research Council s system for disseminating official time throughout that nation. It broadcasts hours a day from a location approximately kilometers south west of Ottawa. Transmissions include tones to mark the seconds voice to announce the time in French and English and digital data to interface with computers. The frequency change to CHU change will occur on January st at UTC. More is on line at www.nrc cnrc.gc.ca W HDU WORLDBEAT UK TIME STATION CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE The UK based M S F kHz time and frequency signal broadcast was to be shut down from UTC to UTC on December th. The interruption to the transmission was required to allow scheduled maintenance work to be carried out. Additional information is on their website at www.npl.co.uk time. RSGB Southgate ON THE AIR NORTH AMERICAN TRAFFIC AND AWARDS NET RETURNS After an absence of more than three decades the North American Traffic and Awards Net is returning to the ham bands. The net resumes operation on New Years Day January at p.m. Eastern Standard Ttime. In addition to its normal operations the net will also be handling formal message traffic at the outset of each session and welcome all stations with messages to be passed to join it nightly on point MHz. The net has also created an award to recognize stations for bringing and passing message traffic. The North American Traffic and Awards Net was founded back in to assist hams trying to earn the ARRL Bicentennial Worked All States Award. Its new goal is to assist in the ARRL s new Triple Play Award announced by the League a few weeks ago. Press release This is ham radio news for today s radio amateur. This week from beneath the Southern Cross we are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur RADIO SAFETY EMI MAY HAVE CAUSED AIRPLANE TO DIVE Electromagnetic interference can make it impossible for hams to communicate but aviation authorities want to know if it almost caused a Quantas airline flight almost falling out of the sky. Amateur Radio Newsline s Don Wilbanks AE DW reports This the incident occurred last month as a Qantas Airbus A flew off West Australians coast en route from Singapore to Perth. A preliminary report into the incident by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau says that there is a possibility that transmissions from the Harold E Holt Naval Communications Station interfered with aircraft onboard electronic systems. The review board is also investigating the possibility that passenger electronic devices aboard the aircraft caused the problem but admits that both are unlikely. That said it cannot rule either out at this stage. Experts in the field of electromagnetic interference are deeply divided on whether or not random EMI could cause an incident such as this. Science On line EMERGING TECHNOLOGY NEW NAND FLASH MEMORY SYSTEM FROM MICRON Micron Technology has introduced a new serial NAND flash memory technology. One that the company said will enable easier and more cost effective expansion of storage capacity for embedded applications in products like television set top boxes DVRs printers and even automobile navigation systems. The technology with a chip density starting at gigabit improves on traditional NOR flash which typically tops out at a density of megabytes. Company officials said that as many embedded applications transition from merely decoding information to more sophisticated operations like managing multimedia photos and other data intensive content the need for cheap and easy storage expansion is increasingly important. Press Release EMERGING TECHNOLOGY THEY CALL IT TREE POWER Imagine being able to run a QRP station by powering it from a near by tree. Sound strange Well that s one of the possible uses for an emerging technology called tree power. Jim Linton VK PC of the WIA News explains A voltage difference exits between a tree and the ground. Researchers have found that the metabolism of a tree works to maintain the voltage difference whether it s day or night rain or shine all year round. Up to two volts is available enough to trickle charge a battery or power a wireless transmitter. Tree power will be helping to collect improved local climate data that is essential for computerized fire modeling. The United States Forest Service is about to field test a tree powered wireless network. It looks like being an alternative to installing intrusive solar panels in a forest. The bio energy source may have other applications too such as border security and managing agriculture. Could this lead to self illuminated Christmas trees or even radio amateurs tapping in it for QRP operation. Anyone pine for the day that this kind of energy becomes poplar For the Amateur Radio Newsline I m Jim Linton VK PC. A rather cute play on words from our friend in Australia VK PC. WIA News HAM RADIO IN SPACE L BAND EXPERIMENT ON THE ISS Another experiment using the ham station on board the International Space Station. From December th through January rd ARISS plans to reconfigure the on orbit crossband repeater for test of its L Band uplink capability which to date has not been proven out. Plans call for an for an uplink of . MHz and downlink on the standard frequency . MHz. The system will be in low power transmit. Given the substantial cable losses of the L band system ARISS hopes that some big gun stations on the ground will be able to penetrate through keep up with Doppler and make a contact. ANS HAM RADIO IN SPACE AMSAT TO OFFER DXPEDITION LOANER GEAR The AMSAT North America Operations Team is in the process of acquiring a few sets of basic loaner gear that will be available to DXpeditions and other groups. This as a way to promote activity on the satellites from rare locations around the globe. Initially these loaner packs will consist of simple FM portable stations including a full duplex dual band HT and an Arrow or other suitable antenna. Depending on the success of the program AMSAT says that it will likely expand it to include the all mode transponder and digital satellites as well. They also expect to be able to integrate AO into this program at a future date. ANS HAM RADIO IN SPACE W KWQ SPACE MOBILE QSL CARD UPDATE Those of you lucky enough to hold a QSO with Richard Garriott W KWQ when he was on board the International Space Station can receive an ARISS QSL card using the normal process as outlined at www.ariss.org. But that s not al. W KWQ is also planning a personal card which is in development. Once it is ready it will be shipped to the ARISS international QSL volunteers for distribution. Those that have already sent in for an ARISS QSL card will also get a Richard Garriott personal card once it is available. If you made a contact with W KWQ but have not sent in your QSL and would like Richard s personal card please stand by until the that card is ready. The distribution of this special QSL will parallel how we are distributing the th anniversary certificate. ANS RADIOSPORTS THE CQ DX MARATHON. The fourth running of the CQ DX Marathon begins at UTC on January and runs through UTC on December . The goal as always is to work as many countries and CQ zones as possible at least once during the calendar year. The only change from the rules is that the prohibition on assistance such as lists and passes for the Unlimited Class is deleted however this limitation remains in effect for the Formula Class. Once again they will use a downloadable Microsoft Excel template which may be filled in and e mailed to a special address as your log entry. For complete details please visit the website at http cq amateur radio.com DX Marathon Rules Dec .pdf CQ OPDX In DX G SWH and G RWL will be active from Mayotte here between February th and March th. Both operators will use the single callsign of G SWH portable FH. Their activity will be mainly on CW on through meters with a possibility of CW on as well. . QSL via G SWH either direct with a self addressed stamped envelope and adequate return postage. Lastly HA RE and a team of operators will be active from Wallis Island as FW RE early in . The group is expected to arrive on the island January th and may begin operation as early as the th. Activity will be on through meters including and meters using CW SSB and RTTY. Above from various DX news sources THAT FINAL ITEM CHRISTMAS ISLAND THE SONG And finally this week its not likely that Broadway television and motion picture entertainer Kristin Chenoweth ever dreamed that she would be mentioned in a ham radio newscast. But guess what. This week she is and Bill Pasternak WA ITF is here to tell us why No Kristin Chenoweth is not a radio amateur. But her new holiday CD titled A Lovely Way To Spend Christmas contains a song that radio amateurs in general and DX ers in particular will likely want to embrace. The tune written by Lyle Moraine is titled Christmas Island. It musically tells of the fun one can have spending the upcoming holiday on that Indian Ocean rock located some miles northwest of the Western Australian city of Perth. And while it may not make you want to immediately pack your bags and head out to operate anyone who is knowledgeable about Christmas Island will be left smiling. Because its music we cant play it for you here. However you can get to hear it and the rest of Kristin Chenoweth s new holiday CD on her own website at www.kristin chenoweth.com. Just click on the words Launch Player next to the advertisement for the album right at the top of the page. Then sit back and enjoy the magic of the season as songstress Kristin Chenoweth vicariously transports you across the oceans for a true DX holiday treat. Enjoying the holiday season I m Bill Pasternak WA ITF in the studio in Los Angeles. For those not aware Christmas Island ranked as number on the DX News most wanted countries list. ARNewsline With thanks to Alan Labs AMSAT the ARRL the CGC Communicator CQ Magazine the FCC the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin Radio Netherlands Rain the RSGB the Southgate News and Australia s W I A News that s all from the Amateur Radio Newsline . Our e mail address is newslinearnewsline.org. More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline s only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline P.O. Box Arcadia California . For now with Bill Pasternak WA ITF at the editors desk I m Jim Meachen ZL BHF saying from Auckland New Zealand saying the best of seasons greetings to all and we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline is Copyright . All rights reserved. There are no comments on this article Post One Email Subscription My Subscriptions Subscriptions Help Other News Articles Santa Patrol Helping Police Gus Kovats W RSI SK Children are Invited to Get Radio Active with Hams Magnetic Field Hole Could Cripple Communications This Week on the Radio Copyright eHam.net LLC eHam.net is a community web site for amateur ham radio operators around the world. Contact the site with comments or questions. Site Privacy Statement Washington D.C. Africa Asia Australia Canada Europe Latin America Middle East Sports Mariners MLB Seahawks NFL NBA Storm WNBA Sounders FC Soccer College Football College Basketball Olympics High Schools Snow Sports Other Sports Art Thiel Jim Moore Business Tech Boeing Microsoft Bill Virgin Real Estate Wire Tech Wire Personal Finance Sci Tech A E Event Calendar Movies Showtimes TV it s that plug in hybrids will store a lot more energy on board. That s also why they re not available yet. We re waiting for a new generation of batteries to be ready. Ray Current hybrids use nickel metal hydride batteries NMh . That was an improvement over the first hybrids which used a boatload of Eveready D cells. But NMh batteries are still too big and heavy for practical plug in hybrids. Tom Within the next few years carmakers are anticipating the mass production of lithium ion batteries Li which are far more dense. Sort of like my brother. Ray I m a different kind of dense. Tom In the case of batteries more dense means they store more energy in a smaller package. So with lithium ion instead of having to fill the entire back seat of a Prius with batteries they can make a plug in hybrid that maintains the interior room people expect in a family car without weighing the thing so far down that it s too heavy to be moved by its own batteries Ray Perhaps the greatest advantage of plug in hybrids however is that they ll allow us to address our oil use and pollution by focusing on a relatively small number of power plants rather than on million individual cars. Tom Right. So once cars run primarily off the electrical grid we could add wind power solar power nuclear power cow flatulence or anything we want to our power grid while retiring dirtier less efficient plants. If we follow through with that plug in hybrids would be a great step toward energy independence and reducing pollution. Write to Car Talk c o the Seattle P I P.O. Box Seattle or send an e mail at the Car Talk Web site cartalk.com. Car Talk is heard at a.m. Saturdays on KUOW radio . 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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

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Laser Spine Institute Makes Largest Ever Medical Donation to Gridiron Greats PRWeb via Yahoo News England to make donation to Mumbai victims Buenos Aires Herald

Wed, 10 Dec 2008 05:52:16 +0000
Business World Entertainment Sports Tech Politics Science Health Travel Most Popular Business Video U.S. Economy Stock Markets Earnings Opinion Personal Finance Press Releases Laser Spine Institute Makes Largest Ever Medical Donation to Gridiron Greats Buzz Up Send Email IM Share Digg Facebook Newsvine del.icio.us Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo Bookmarks Print WedDec amET Related Quotes Symbol Price Change DJI . . GSPC . . IXIC . . More than Million donation will help NFL legends alleviate chronic spinal pain through minimally invasive surgery. Tampa FL PRWEB December The Laser Spine Institute is proud to announce a more than million gift to the medical program of Gridiron Greats Assistance Fund the charitable organization provides financial aid social and medical services to former NFL players in crisis. This donation is the largest ever to the program and the only to focus solely on back and neck pain . Minimally invasive laser assisted spinal surgeries will be provided pro bono to former players that qualify who suffer from chronic and debilitating back and neck pain as a result of injuries sustained during their active playing days. Through just a small one inch incision a team of renowned surgeons are able to correct a variety of spinal problems caused by the game of football with a drastically reduced recovery time. Back and neck pain is one of the leading medical issues for NFL players yet no post career ongoing neck or back care has been offered to date. LSI leads the way bringing today s most innovative technology and procedures to the doorstep of the NFL s greatest legacies. With facilities in Tampa and Scottsdale the Laser Spine Institute is revolutionizing the landscape of spinal surgery using cutting edge lasers and a day process from surgery to recovery drastically reducing the time it takes for patients to recover. With just a tiny one inch incision expert surgeons can correct a variety of back and neck ailments from degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis to herniated discs and spinal arthritis. Former patient and LSI CEO Bill Horne says As someone who sustained an injury after playing one year of college football which has caused a lifetime of pain I can only imagine what these retired NFL players are experiencing after decades playing the sport. This cause is close to our hearts and we are genuinely thrilled about the opportunity to bring relief to these former players. A team of renowned surgeons led by Dr. James St. Louis a two time recipient of the Physician of the Year award and member of the prestigious Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine have performed more than surgeries perfecting minimally invasive techniques that alleviate spinal pain caused by years of playing professional football. Dr. St. Louis explains We are thrilled and excited to offer much needed surgeries to some of the NFL s greatest players. While they may not be actively playing anymore we feel it is still vitally important for these players to be able to live out their retirement without suffering from chronic pain . Gridiron Greats Board Member and legendary coach Mike Ditka agrees These players gave the best years of their lives to the game and deserve the highest level of continuing medical care and assistance that we can provide them with. Thanks to the generosity and expertise of LSI the Gridiron Greats will now be able help many former players who are in desperate need of medical care. We want to extend a huge thank you to LSI for donating such important services to the Gridiron Greats medical program. At LSI gridiron greats will receive all of their spinal health care needs in one location. From pre operative imaging and diagnostic testing to endoscopic laser surgery and post operative physical therapy patients receive the highest quality care combined with the most advanced treatments. Retired players can contact the Gridiron Greats Assistance Fund to see if they qualify for the pro bono medical program or visit www.gridirongreats.org . Players must contact the GGAF directly. To learn more about LSI visit www.laserspineinstitute.com or call toll free for more information on outpatient minimally invasive spine surgery and upcoming seminars in cities across the United States. Media Contacts Melanie Vigliotti mvigliotti at zimmerman.com Laura Millett lmillett at zimmerman.com The Zimmerman Agency Laura Millett E mail Information Trackback URL http prweb.com pingpr.php WmV YS JbnNlLUluc UtSW zZS aZXRhLVNpbmctWmVybw Recommend Buzz Up Send Email IM Share Digg Facebook Newsvine del.icio.us Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo Bookmarks Print More. Business Video Dec. FedEx outlook helps drag stocks lower AP Business Video Auto negotiations continue no deal yet AP Business Video What Will Help Housing CNBC Most Viewed Business Asian markets rise as Congress nears auto deal AP Cruise ship will evacuate to avoid pirate attack AP Rio Tinto to cut jobs slash spending Reuters Lawmakers blast former Fannie Freddie execs AP Ford execs say company differs from US competition AP All Most Viewed Most Blogged Business Panel to Blast Handling of Bailout WSJ.com Economy Tue Dec pm EDT Blogs About This Story Prev Next Ed Miliband seeks more power for State in UK energy industry Tue Dec pm EDT Blogs About This Story Prev Next Dire Forecast for Global Economy and Trade New York Times Tue Dec pm EDT Blogs About This Story Prev Next Elsewhere on the Web Time.com Bailout Tactics UAW Prepares for Its Next Move NPR Financial Regulation Preventing Another Crisis FOXBusiness China Producer price Inflation Eases To In November Alerts Get an alert when there are new stories about Gridiron Greats Laser Spine Institute degenerative disc disease back and neck pain spinal stenosis Add Selected Alerts View More Alerts Also on Yahoo News Today in History Obituaries Corrections News by Region Yahoo Directory Yahoo News amp Media Sites Daily Features All Comics Opinions Editorials Diverse views on news from the right left and center. All Opinion Photo Highlight Photo Highlight Slideshow Two students run through the snow in Burlington Wis. AP Photo Journal Times Paul Sloth More Photos and Slideshow Advertisements Yahoo News Search All News Search Type All News Yahoo News Only News Photos Video Audio NewsSearch Advanced Top Stories Deal reached in principle on B auto bailout US Special Forces mistakenly kill Afghan police Strike shuts down Greece more violence feared Somali pirates free Greek ship with crew Pakistan names Lashkar suspects held in Mumbai probe Illinois governor goes from reformer to defendant Workers win a big round in Chicago factory sit in More Top Stories Featured The Week in Photos Check out some of the best photos of the week on Yahoo News. Financial Crisis Find out the latest news about Wall Street and how it affects you. Business Video Play Video Dec. FedEx outlook helps drag stocks lower AP Play Video Auto negotiations continue no deal yet AP Play Video What Will Help Housing CNBC Play Video What Buffett Seeks in a Manager FOXBusiness More Business Video Yahoo Finance Market Summary Symbol Last Change Dow . . . Nasdaq . . . S P . . . Yr Bond . . Deal reached in principle on B auto bailout Ford execs say company differs from US competition Lawmakers blast former Fannie Freddie execs More from Yahoo Finance Yahoo Real Estate Search homes for sale and rent Location City State or Zip Listing Type Homes for Sale Foreclosures Apartments for Rent New Homes Price to Bedrooms Any Studio Bathrooms Any . . . Search Homes More from Yahoo Real Estate Yahoo News Navigation Home U.S. Business World Entertainment Sports Tech Politics Science Health Travel Most Popular Odd News Opinion News Services RSS News Alerts Weather Alerts Add Yahoo Headlines to Your Site Site Map Help Feedback My Portfolio Community VSE Alerts Front Page News Commentary Markets Mutual Funds ETFs Personal Finance Technology Tools Research My MarketWatch Community Video News Commentary Columnists First Take Special Reports How to Buy Trading Strategies The Heat is On Power Crisis Digital Home Dubai Blogs Podcasts Industry News Technology Health Care Retail Automobiles Economy Politics Fed Obama s Challenge Newsletters Guru s Corner Directory Hulbert Financial Digest Obama s Challenge latest news PRESS RELEASE Sacramento Area Grocers Answer Governor s Request for Food Donations More than Pallets of Food Donated to WE Can Food Drive Last update p.m. EST Dec. SACRAMENTO Calif. Dec BUSINESS WIRE Sacramento area grocers brought their holiday gift giving spirit to the steps of the California Capitol on Tuesday December by donating more than pallets of food to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger s WE Can Food Drive. An additional pallets were delivered directly to the drive s distribution center in South Sacramento. Trucks from Costco Wholesale Raley s Safeway Inc. and Save Mart Supermarkets rolled into Sacramento on Tuesday morning delivering the more than non perishable food laden pallets totaling approximately pounds to the west steps of the State Capitol. Governor Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver in partnership with California Volunteers hosted the WE Can Holiday Food Drive during the th Annual State Capitol Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on December . Arnold and I are thrilled with the success of this year s food drive Maria Shriver said. This holiday season more than ever many people and their families are struggling to make ends meet. This affects all Californians and millions throughout our nation. WE have shown that together WE CAN make a difference in the lives of others and we are so inspired by the incredible generosity of the public and our great partners. We are so grateful for their extraordinary commitment and we hope it will inspire all Californians to be architects of change in their own communities she added. The extensive food donation effort began with a call from the Governor s office to the California Grocers Association. The Governor contacted our Association on Monday and asked if our members could help with the food drive said California Grocers Association President and CEO Ronald Fong. By Tuesday morning the plus pallets were being unloaded at the various drop off locations. CGA thanks its members for their quick response to this very important and needed event. Fong added that the donations to the WE Can Food Drive were in addition to the extensive donation programs already in place at most grocery stores throughout California during the holiday season. Many of our members are deeply committed to helping others particularly during the holidays and these very difficult economic times Fong said. To go above and beyond what they are already doing is truly commendable. The donated food will be distributed through California Emergency Foodlink which channels commodities for the State to rural emergency feeding agencies throughout California. The California Grocers Association is a non profit statewide trade association representing the food industry since . CGA represents approximately retail members operating over food stores in California and Nevada and approximately grocery supplier companies. SOURCE California Grocers Association California Grocers Association Dave Heylen V.P. 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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Writing about POSTER PRINTERS was indeed a spontaneous decision on my part. I solemnly hope that this was a wise decision that I had made.


Giving Season United Way of Chittenden County Volunteer Center Wish Lists The Burlington Free Press November 2008 Weblogssunsentinelcom

Sun, 30 Nov 2008 19:39:49 +0000
See instructions for fixing the problem. Giving Season United Way of Chittenden County Volunteer Center Wish Lists Nonprofits in need of assistance at the holidays November Print this page E mail this article Share Del.icio.us Facebook Digg Reddit Newsvine The listings below were compiled by the United Way of Chittenden County Volunteer Center. The Agency Wishlists in the Giving Season are made possible in part by generous donations to the United Way of Chittenden County. For more information call or e mail volctrunitedwaycc.org . Please call the agency ahead of time to make sure the item is still needed. ALS Association Northern New England Chapter Burlington Wish List Computer and technology Printer ink HP HP HP HP HP ink new or refilled portable color projector for PC new or used Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Photoshop software new or used unregistered only with registration materials computer mice Optical button USB preferably cordless digital camera new or used with software or Internet driver USB Hubs new or used rolling computer case or small rolling luggage new or used . Office supplies Postage stamps any denomination paper copy multipurpose resume cover stock or card stock gift cards for Staples Office Max Walmart etc. for online purchases of office supplies. Miscellaneous Portable display board for tabletop displays tri fold half fold accordion or single panel with stand upright vacuum cleaner new or used bagless or bags included as long as bags are still available in stores red foot shaped carabineers bottled water. Contact Kimberly Tonneson at or e mail eventsalsanne.org Boys Wish List Electronics Digital cameras plus megapixel digital video camera good to excellent condition DVD players good to excellent condition Toys games music Musical instruments any kind especially percussive instruments musical equipment for recording or producing music including sheet music men s and women s basketballs up to up to new jewelry making kits up to new drawing or painting kits Miscellaneous Bar stools up to six excellent condition for the Cyber Cafe new sets of white boards and markers snow blower leaf blower yard rake. Contact Marnie Long at or e mail mlongbandgclub.org Brownell Library Essex Wish List DVD VCR combo player for in house patron use and staff training Contact Alison Pierce at or e mail alison sover.net Buell Street Dismas House Burlington Wish List A computer monitor and printer that is no more than to years old for a client who is returning to school. New clothing such as hats gloves socks long underwear sweatshirts and coats. Contact Kimberly Parsons at or e mail kimdismasofvermont.org Burlington Children s Space N. Winooski Ave. Burlington VT Wish List Classroom supplies Rhythm sticks preschool computer learning games balance scale easel drying rack face paints letter and number painting sponges draft sticks paint roller trays magnetic wall paint overhead projector markers adult scissors watercolor paper small wooden cars small wagons bubbles and wands magnetic blocks light table toys clear color magna tiles storage baskets small CD player and naptime music CDs. Miscellaneous A commercial or industrial heavy duty washer digital cameras small grandma chair not rocker light table LCD and overhead projectors. Contact Heather Duhamel at ext. or e mail hduhamelburlingtonchildrensspace.org Burlington Emergency Shelter North St. Burlington VT Wish List HP ink cartidges single blankets single bed sheet sets standard new pillows kitchen towels bath towels and washcloths socks digital camera. Contact Jim Guiel at or e mail beshelterjimverizon.net Burlington Parks organic vegetable seeds from previous years gardening how to books. Contact Lisa Coven at or e mail lcovenci.burlington.vt.us Cathedral Square Corporation Various locations Wish List Hawk s Nest residence in St. Albans Gently used furniture chair couch lamp and end table for the TV room a gently used working treadmill one or two NEW computers with Internet capability. Other sites Two large screen TVs one portable TV at least inches two DVD players one VHS player volleyball net for balloon volleyball new or gently used poinsettias for holiday decorations. Contact Paula Fitzpatrick at or e mail fitzpatrickcathedralsquare.org Champlain Adaptive Mounted Program CHAMP South Hero Wish List Horse supplies Muck buckets water buckets and rakes winter blankets that are waterproof and sheets that can be worn outside Building supplies Wood insulation wiring and plumbing supplies for a barn addition mirror for riding arena call for size concrete French doors for the CHAMP house fencing for fields paving for our parking lot to improve wheelchair access a gator vehicle to help with fence repairs. Classroom supplies or foot table and folding chairs. Contact Jean Desranleau at or e mail EGDJAD aol.com Committee on Temporary Shelter COTS S. Winooski Ave. Burlington VT Wish List Clothing Hats gloves and mittens new warm winter coats men women children new or gently used . Gift cards Phone grocery store pharmacy gas. CCTA bus passes. Kitchen items New knife set knife sharpener scratch resistant pots and pans with lids laundry and dish detergent cleaning supplies. Contact Florence McCloud at ext. or e mail florencemcotsonline.org Common Ground Center Camp Common Ground Starksboro Wish List Children s items Up to infant backpacks child safety gates wooden Infant changing table highchairs and children s tables and chairs good condition for family camp programs Tools Hammers hand saws screwdrivers garden rakes hoes and hand tools Equipment GPS units kick wheel Contact Pam Durda at or e mail pamcgcvt.org Community Health Center of Burlington Riverside Ave. Suite Burlington VT Wish List Clothing Blankets Warm Weather Help Homemade cotton booties caps and receiving blankets hand knit wool mittens hats and scarves wool socks wool blanket hand foot warmers ponchos new socks new cotton underwear for Men size and and women medium large Contact Carrie Perkins at ext. or e mail cperkinschcb.org Essex CHIPS and Teen Center Lincoln St. Essex Junction VT Wish List Kitchen Utensils Serrated knife serving knife spatulas serving spoons spreading knives Contact Ryan Polly at or e mail ryanessexchips.org First Night Burlington Inc. Wish List Clean office chairs in very good condition up to desk chairs on wheels and up to standard office chairs with armrests. Contact Linsey Foster Mason at or e mail linseyfirstnightburlington.com Fletcher Free Library Burlington Wish List PlayStation Wii or game cube consoles and games T or E rated controllers especially guitars for the PS Wiimotes or gamecube controllers used but functional equipment for monthly tournaments for teens Contact Rebecca Goldberg at or e mail rebgoldberggmail.com Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity P.O. Box Burlington VT Wish List An enclosed lockable storage trailer on wheels to feet long we would be happy to put the donors name on it Contact David Mullin at or e mail davemullincomcast.net Heineberg Senior And Community Center Burlington Wish List A new computer and laptop for our lab which is used everyday by seniors to stay in touch a new vacuum cleaner. Contact Gail Moreau at or e mail gmmoreauverizon.net Highgate Public Library P.O. Box Highgate Center VT Wish List Games for teens for our monthly teen events. Contact Liza Comiskey at or e mail highgate pubvals.state.vt.us Hilltop Light Ministries Burlington Wish List Two laser printers good condition laptop PC or Mac Contact Rev. Patricia Davis at or e mail pdavishilltoplight.org Hospice of the Champlain Valley Burlington Wish List Gift certificates Staples gift cards for medicine lock boxes and office supplies gift cards to bookstores. Computers electronics A radio CD player baby monitors basic model only and computer library software that reads ISBN off books to allow automated system of entering Contact Kris Maille at or e mail mailleVNACares.org HowardCenter Child Youth Wish List Autism Spectrum Program Portable DVD player or video I pod Gameboy with games other fun learning geared computer games. Community Friends Mentoring Program sets of small computer speakers gift certificates to grocery stores and pizza restaurants. FCBS Therapeutic Groups Living Skills Kids swimming goggles yoga videos for kids of all ages winter gloves all sizes ski snowboard helmets all sizes . First Call program Craft supplies floor lamps with day light bulbs office chairs new or gently used . Outpatient Office New portable CD player and karaoke machine new multicultural baby dolls and doll house dolls yoga mats. Pine Forest Child Care Photo paper CD tape players with sleep repeat mode area carpets of various sizes colors child s wagon radio flyer type with high sides diapers any size non allergenic wipes. White Street Program Swing set door basketball hoop kiddie pool arts and crafts supplies construction paper crayons markers pipe cleaners fimo clay etc. . School Services Model cars art paper markers Sculpty Play Doh watercolors colored pencils beads beading equipment sand balloons games. Contact Kym Asam at or e mail kymahowardcenter.org HowardCenter Northern Lights Burlington Wish List Twin sheet sets towels bath hand and wash cloth sets pots and pans drinking glasses tampons and pads Gift Cards for incentives Contact Cara Gleason at or e mail caraghowardcenter.org Humane Society of Chittenden County Kindness Court South Burlington VT Wish List Pet Shelter Supplies Yesterday s News cat litter non clumping cat litter pet food guinea pigs rats ferrets and rabbits high quality canned dog and cat food hot dogs and string cheese great motivators while training dogs new cat toys peanut butter Clorox bleach four electric CD or CD Radio players boom box type to be placed in key locations about the shelter research shows animals are calmer and happier when soft music is played latex gloves. Office supplies White copy paper bright colored paper for fliers toilet paper Avery Address Labels Contact Amanda Parham at ext. or e mail amandachittendenhumane.org Imani Youth And Family Center N. Winooski Ave. Burlington VT Wish List Floor buffer polisher folding chairs for events at center. Contact Trista Baker at or e mail Imanisover.net King Street Youth Center P.O. Box King St. Burlington VT Wish List Technology Equipment Analog wall clock and cage for gym timers egg timers digital cameras used or new no more than three years old Flip video camera computer headphones no ear buds or clip ons computer microphones. Art Office School Supplies Durable pencil sharpeners manual or electric for classroom use glitter sequins construction paper clay Fimo and modeling fusion beads glue sticks tape all kinds especially duct markers plastic lanyard string beads fun fabric for crafts all shapes and sizes rechargeable AA and D batteries flip chart easel for literacy work white board or chalk board ideally to attach flip chart paper Extra large flip chart pads lined wide lined and blank . Up to Individual sized chalk boards or white boards reams of paper for computers copiers and academic and art projects. Toys Games New board games especially the classics Wii controllers Mario cart and Mario party for Wii New LEGO sets levels from preschool to teens toy cars and trucks regulation size basketballs Hula hoops clothing for in baby dolls pencils regular and or mechanical and decorative pencils for incentives. Gift cards Cards to craft stores electronics stores for educational software and other technology items gift cards to food stores to provide food for children in various programs gift cards to clothing stores to purchase items such as snow pants mittens etc. used in winter in order to take kids outdoors. Miscellaneous New chapstick of any variety ultimately sticks Contact Kristin Burdge at or e mail kristinkingstreetyouth.org Lake Champlain Men s Resource Center Burlington Wish List Computer hardware Contact Mark Montalban at or e mail lcmrcriseup.net Lund Family Center Burlington Wish List Childcare Program ring binders disposable cameras page protectors solid color card stock . x glue sticks digital camera color printer laptop computers Dell s Kitchen Commercial immersion blender small commercial salad spinner grill pan Cuisinart mixing bowls small appliances glassware dishes silverware utensils. Adoption Program Arts and crafts supplies stuffed animals new for adoption finalizations Heather has Two Mommies by Leslea Newman My New Family A First Look at Adoption by Pat Thomas ABC A Family Alphabet Book by Bobbie Combs Desiree Keane and Brian Rippa. New Horizons Love seat bean bag chairs school supplies. BigDogs Baby Bears portable CD players digital camera washcloths and towels scissors T shirts play sand rocking chair suet art supplies ribbon yarn feathers construction paper cardstock markers glue etc. art smocks bottles drib sheets changing table pad music movement CDs assorted wicker baby toddler silverware standing fan body pillows Contact Pam Castelli at Ext. or e mail pamclundfamilycenter.org Mobius The Mentoring Movement Pine St. Burlington VT Wish List Network Server We are in need of a server that can handle host up to desktops. Contact Tracy MacLean at or e mail tracymobiusmentors.org Peace Wish List LCD monitors LCD projector dual processor computers used In working condition Adobe Dreamweaver software Contact Wendy Coe at Ext. or e mail wcoepjcvt.org Prevent Child Abuse Vermont P.O. Box Montpelier VT Wish List Paper cups plates plastic utensils or napkins for family meals children s books for use during fee time and in our prison program where inmates can record themselves reading the book and send the tape along with the book to their child. Art Supplies crayons markers paper glue scissors popsicle sticks stickers Play Doh etc. gift certificates to food stores puppets used to model appropriate behaviors Contact Jessie LaCroix at or e mail jlacroixpcavt.org ReCycle North Pine St. Burlington VT Wish List Building Materials Center Work gloves sawstop table saw wood lathe cordless drills particle masks bandsaw with rip fence pallet racks linear ft ft wide to feet of industrial heavy duty cantilever racks for display and access to reuseable lumber. Woodshop tools gently used in good condition one tool trailer good condition for YouthBuild Team job sites. Tilt Truck For transporting and dumping bulky materials and garbage new or barely used preferably with a polyethylene body all welded steel chassis and push handle and within OSHA requirements for material handling. L x W x H Classroom supplies ring binders pens pencils calculators markers index cards tri fold display boards letter size printer paper date books computer headphones Office supplies Office copier color printers laptop computers for trainees copy paper presentation folders mechanical pencils Sharpies ballpoint pens Post It notes labels for laser printer garbage bags CDRs file folders manila envelopes speaker phone for conference calls triangular speaker Smart Board System http www .smarttech.com st en US Products SMART Boards default.htm Lockers for on site volunteers three separate high locker towers each locker measuring x x would be ideal but we re not picky . Magazine subscriptions to support reading programs news magazine People This Old House and or Fine Home Building Smithsonian and or National Geographic. December Holiday Party Food Donations of cookies and cake and savory appetizers for our upcoming holiday party for staff and their families will help allow funds to be directed toward our mission reuse job skills training poverty relief. Contact Jessica Terrill at x or e mail jterrillrecyclenorth.org Ronald McDonald House Charities of Burlington South Winooski Ave. Burlington VT Wish List New toys age gas cards grocery cards phone cards taxi vouchers restaurant gift certificates movie passes stamps . . and . white copy paper x pens and pencils ink jet cartridges paper clips transparent tape non perishable food paper towels bathroom cleaner packing tape laundry detergent. Contact Amy Laframboise at or e mail alaframcomcast.net Sara Holbrook Community Center North Ave. Burlington VT Wish List Gift cards Gas cards for youth van Hannafords gift cards iTunes gift cards. Office Equipment Computers with monitors and printers for the new computer lab must have Windows XP and be in decent condition photocopier office supplies Games Entertainment Contact Casey Sexton at or e mail csextonsaraholbrookcc.org Save Our Strays P.O. Box Huntington VT Wish List Animal Rescue Shelter Supplies Bleach paper towels laundry detergent cat Contact Lisa Haynes at or e mail LoveThosePetsaol.com Save the Greyhound Dogs Essex Wish List A new or gently used desk table top copier in good working condition to be used for small volume copying. Contact Scotti Devens at or e mail STGDsover.net Somali Bantu Community Association Of Vermont Burlington Wish List Clothing Children s Items Home Items Winter clothing shoes Men women and children blankets couches beds pots Contact Mohamed Abdi at or e mail sbcavtsomalibantuvermont.org South Burlington Community Housing Wish List Gift certificates small gift items for resident s gift baskets small denomination gift cards candies chocolates small sized personal care items such as shampoos or specialty soaps socks and other small goods sturdy couch and or a couple of chairs that will support a weight of up to lbs. A large outdoor table and chairs table must be fairly high to allow space for residents wheelchairs to fit underneath preferably the kind with the support legs in the center rather than on each corner. Contact Kimberly Whitney at or e mail whitneycathedralsquare.org Spectrum Youth Wish List For Teens New or nearly new clean adult size sleeping bags and new white socks for youth living on the street. Mini Date Books Planners for youth attending education classes. Gift Certificates To Border s and local fast food restaurants and coffee shops It would be great if gift certificates were each worth about just enough to buy a sandwich or a cup of coffee. They are used as incentives for youth doing well with their educational plan. Movie ticket vouchers or gift certificates for movies to provide the youth we serve. Outdoor Backpacking and Hiking Gear Backpacks cubic inches tents sleeping bags stoves and cooking supplies stuff sacks waterproof jackets and pants hiking boots bike panniers bike racks water bottles water purification equipment climbing gear crash pads hiking clothing and other gear for climbing backpacking or cycling trips. Electronics Two DVD Players for the Youth Co op residence and iPod MP players or other portable personal music players for the Drop In Center so youth can enjoy their music individually. Contact Deanna Cameron at Ext. or e mail dcameronspectrumvt.org The Children s School Patchen Road South Burlington VT Wish List One office chair in good to excellent condition preferably black with high back arms and adjustable seat one or drawer locking lateral file cabinet in oak or cherry wood finish in good to excellent condition. Contact Roberta Couture at or e mail robertatcsvt.org The Nature Conservancy of Vermont State St. Suite Montpelier VT Wish List Tools Good quality new or used hand tools for use in maintaining our walking trails and cutting down non native invasive plants sturdy hand clippers folding pruning saws and loppers with ratchet action are preferred professional grade light weight. Stihl Husky or Jonsereds chainsaw cc s . Miscellaneous New good quality leather gloves in men s women s and children s sizes for trail maintenance any brand or type of adult size snowshoes two filing cabinets in good working condition for our office. Contact Emily Seifert at ext. or e mail eseiferttnc.org The Philo Center Shelburne Road Suite No. Shelburne VT Wish List Office chairs new carpeting for office an office cubicle wall divider or gently used sofas for our waiting room computers and printers for our therapists to write reports plastic bins large medium Contact Dawn Holbrook at or e mail infophilocenter.org The RATC Nest Richmond Area Teen Center Wish List Pop CDs PG DVDs Pop Karaoke CDs area rugs paper towels toilet paper tissues liquid hand soap. Contact Sue Pochop at or e mail sue.pochopuvm.edu Turning Point Center Of Chittenden County Burlington Wish List DVD player good working condition brochure racks vacuum cleaner in good working condition with a supply of bags sturdy bookshelves books on addiction recovery self help or spirituality board games Scrabble Risk Pictionary craft supplies scissors paper glitter etc. coffee creamer sugar bulletin boards. Contact Maggie Gordon at or e mail mgordongmavt.net Vermont Children s Aid Winooski Wish List Gift Gas Cards For teens families new infant safe teddy bears to present to new adoptive families. Clothing Personal items Diapers size diapers girls clothing size T girls winter clothes including hats boots gloves Desacream like Desitin and bath and beauty gift sets for caregivers of children whose parents are incarcerated. Miscellaneous disposable cameras for kids making life books in counseling journals and nice pens for children journaling toddler bed small microwave oven. Contact Connie Rafoul at or e mail mainadmnvtcas.org Vermont Odyssey Of The Mind Richmond Wish List Computer equipment office supplies and goods for a fundraising auction. Contact Timothy Perkins at or e mail vtootmaccess.vt.com Vermont Respite House Williston Wish List Personal Items Lubriderm unscented lotion any size disposable razors unscented baby wipes artificial tears travel size baby powder and toothpaste. Miscellaneous Unflavored decaf coffee white washcloths Tide unscented high efficiency laundry detergent black oil sunflower seeds new portable CD players. Contact Susan Abell at or e mail abellVNACares.org Vermont Works For Women Park St. Essex Junction VT Wish List Tools for women Contact Sybil Thomas at ext. or e mail sthomasvtworksforwomen.org VNA Adult Day Program Wish List Craft Supplies Kits for wooden birdhouses unpainted or other projects. Kitchen Supplies New toaster spice rack coffee carafes blender and food processor. Also would like tea service for . Program Supplies Gift certificates to craft stores grocery stores or bakeries. Holiday Decorations One new artificial tree decorations Miscellaneous Three recliners new preferred used must be in perfect shape with no holes or soiling feet of Track System to help transfer clients from one area to another small electric fireplace to add to our cozy atmosphere Contact Linda Martinez at or e mail martinezvnacares.org VNA Adult Day Program Prim Road Suite Colchester VT Wish List Craft Supplies Kits for wooden birdhouses unpainted or other projects. Kitchen Supplies New toaster spice rack coffee carafes blender and food processor. Also would like tea service for large pots and pans potholders adult aprons canisters Program Supplies Gift certificates to craft stores grocery stores or bakeries. Holiday Decorations One new artificial tree decorations Computers electronics Laptop computers fax machine combination CD and cassette player. Miscellaneous Three recliners new preferred used must be in perfect shape with no holes or soiling feet of Track System to help transfer clients from one area to another small electric fireplace to add to our cozy atmosphere thermometer temporal manicure supplies books puzzles and board games. The Rhythmic Arts Project TRAP Percussion Package View online at http www.traponline.com trapstore.htm . Contact Debra Kokotoff program director at or e mail Kokotoffvnacares.org VNA Family Room Prim Road Colchester VT Wish List Aquarium to make a terrarium diapers laptop computers. Contact Susan Landsman at Ext. or e mail landsmanVNACares.org Women Helping Battered Women P.O. Box Burlington VT Wish List Cell Phones Give us your old cell phone and charger which will directly support people who use our services. Shelter Supplies New pillows a new vacuum unopened kitchen staples i.e. flour sugar Office supplies Forever postage stamps white x copy paper toilet paper paper towels trash bags household cleaning supplies. For Women Bras and women s underwear Contact Jennie D at Ext. or e mail jenniedwhbw.org YWCA Of Vermont Inc. P.O. Box South Hero VT Wish List Camp Hochelaga Wacky noodles kayak new or good condition life Jackets PFDs lbs. new or in good condition arts and crafts materials chain saw video camera. Office Cordless phone system desktop letter folder a conference phone that will accommodate a by foot room computers no more than years old which run Windows XP desk lamps coat tree Contact Rebecca Gurney at or e mail rebecca.gurney.ywcaverizon.net In your voice Read reactions to this story Newest first Oldest first Add your comment max maxchars characters You must be logged in to leave a comment. 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Giving Season appeal expands to seven agencies Giving Season Difference a dollar makes Editorial The Giving Season comes in time of need COTS works to prevent homelessness Giving Season Click to view and print coupon to send with donation Giving Season United Way Volunteer Opportunities More Living headlines Share photos Of Santa of holiday lights and decorations Share photos Winter in Vermont sledding skiing riding snow Giving Season Difference a dollar makes Giving Season appeal expands to seven agencies Sunday s Horoscope Latest headlines Multiple accidents plague Interstate Winter parking bans take effect Monday Third priest molestation case in months starts this week Share photos Of Santa of holiday lights and decorations Share photos Winter in Vermont sledding skiing riding snow Partners Jobs CareerBuilder.com Cars Cars.com Apartments Apartments.com Shopping ShopLocal.com Home News Sports Entertainment Multimedia Opinion Classifieds Weather Obituaries Customer Service Web Cams Health Site Map Terms of Service Privacy Policy Contact Us About Us Work for Us Subscribe Copyright . Starting first parse .Parsing macro pluck InitializeArticles .Build ms Article .Build ms Article .Build ms Content .Completed macro pluck InitializeArticles .Build ms Article .Parsing macro seo .Build ms Misc .Completed macro seo .Parsing macro pd search .Completed macro pd search .Parsing macro loginbox branding .Build ms Content .Completed macro loginbox branding .Parsing macro living footer .Parsing macro sitecatalyst .Build ms Misc .Completed macro sitecatalyst .Build ms Content Initializing ms Starting first parse .Build ms Misc .Build ms Content . NewsList ms .Build ms NewsList Retrieve categories ms Read templates ms Read objects ms Scripts ms Read cache ms Business Small Business Best Syndication News Advertising is made up of several activities that help promote your product or service. Advertising addresses the public and tries to influence their buying decisions. There are primary and secondary functions of advertising but it all leads to trying to get customers to get in your store and buy your products or services. Let s go into a bit more detail about what advertising entails. What is Advertising . Advertising is written and spoken messages that are directed to a target audience. . Advertising messages are persuasive you re trying to convince your target audience to purchase a certain product or service. . The business that is selling the product or service is the one who advertises. . Advertising almost always requires cash you must pay for the medium you are using. For example you must pay the stadium or wherever you hang a poster. Make sure you have this fee included in your poster printing budget. Advertising is any paid message that presents products or services of a certain business and should present the product in a persuasive manner so as to entice the reader or listener to purchase the product. Objectives of Advertising The objective is to increase sales get and maintain customers and boost cash flow. However it is also intended to brand a product since branding can do more for sales than simply advertising it. When one thinks of specific items they often think of a brand name rather than the product itself. For instance when you say you need a Kleenex you are actually asking for a tissue. The Kleenex brand has catapulted into the mainstream language so that it represents all types of tissues. That s a result of good advertising and good branding. Advertising functions can be broken down into two groups. These are known as the primary and the secondary functions. Primary Functions . Advertising assists in sales increases because it promotes it to a bigger market. Advertising like flyers brochures and television ads reach people that your business wouldn t be able to reach otherwise because of location. Advertising allows you to reach people out of your region and possibly lets you reach a nation of consumers. . Advertising persuades people to help them make their next purchasing decision. . Advertising helps salespeople and franchisees sell the product or service being featured. . Advertisements introduce new products to the market before they even hit store shelves. People are more likely to try a new item if they ve seen it before. Many companies start advertising and branding a product before it reaches stores to give consumers plenty of time to learn about the new item and to create anticipation for the release of the product. . Advertising is used as a way to establish a relationship with consumers. People buy products they are familiar with and advertising builds that familiarity. . People s perception of advertised products or services is changed by products that are advertised. These products and their brands seem better and higher quality than those not advertised. Secondary Functions . Advertising gives salespeople a backing to lean on. Salespeople s jobs are easier when they can point to an advertisement that shows how well the product or service works. Consumers also walk in with a preconceived notion that the product is already good because they saw it advertised before they got to the store. . Advertising helps companies attract better or more qualified employees. Just think of car dealerships would you rather work for a dealership who didn t advertise so no one knew about it or would you rather work for a dealership that everyone knew about it Advertising has many objectives and functions that will help any business. As an entrepreneur it s important that you implement an advertising strategy right away even before you open your doors Katie Marcus writes about the poster printing technologies used by businesses for their marketing and advertising campaigns. Send This To Important The material on Best Syndication is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be advice. You should always seek professional advice before making financial or medical decisions. TERMS OF SERVICE Misc Business Get College Student Admission Consulting Services Now IDENTITYGUARD Loans Office Depot s prices are hot Shop online nowto save big on monitors cameras laptops printers and more CarLoans Help with Credit Advertise On This Site Copyright By Best Syndication All Rights Reserved